
Quality Management Body Of Knowledge

By Jerry Rice posted 09/10/20 08:45 PM


The Quality Management Body of Knowledge is the same as the Certified Manager of Quality/ Organization Excellence (CMQ/OE) exam body of knowledge. The Quality Management Body of Knowledge is considered current mainstream practice in quality management. It is not designed to latch on to trends and fads in Quality Management.

I Leadership
I.A Organizational Structures
I.B Leadership Challenges
I.B.1 Roles and responsibilities of leaders
I.B.2 Roles and responsibilities of managers
I.B.3 Change management
I.B.4 Leadership techniques
I.B.5 Empowerment
I.C Teams and Team Processes
I.C.1 Types of teams
I.C.2 Stages of team development
I.C.3 Team-building techniques
I.C.4 Team roles and responsibilities
I.C.5 Team performance and evaluation
I.D ASQ Code of Ethics
II Strategic Plan Development and Deployment
II.A Strategic Planning Models
II.B Business Environment Analysis
II.B.1 SWOT Analysis
II.B.2 Market Forces
II.B.3 Stakeholder Analysis
II.B.4 Technology
II.B.5 Internal Capability Analysis
II.B.6 Legal and Regulatory Factors
II.C Strategic Plan Deployment
II.C.1 Tactical plans
II.C.2 Resource Allocation and Deployment
II.C.3 Organizational Performance Measurement
II.C.4 Quality in Strategic Deployment
III Management Elements and Methods
III.A Management Skills and Abilities
III.A.1 Principles of management
III.A.2 Management theories and styles
III.A.3 Interdependence of functional areas
III.A.4 Human resources (HR) management
III.A.5 Financial management
III.A.6 Risk management
III.A.7 Knowledge management (KM)
III.B Communication Skills and Abilities
III.B.1 Communication techniques
III.B.2 Interpersonal skills
III.B.3 Communications in a global economy
III.B.4 Communications and technology
III.C Project Management
III.C.1 Project management basics
III.C.2 Project planning and estimation tools
III.C.3 Measure and monitor project activity
III.C.4 Project documentation
III.D Quality System
III.D.1 Quality mission and policy
III.D.2 Quality planning, deployment, and documentation
III.D.3 Quality system effectiveness
III.E Quality Models and Theories
III.E.1 Organizational and Performance Excellence
III.E.2 ISO quality management standards
III.E.3 Other quality methodologies
III.E.4 Quality philosophies
IV Quality Management Tools
IV.A Problem-Solving Tools
IV.A.1 The seven classic quality tools
IV.A.2 Basic management and planning tools
IV.A.3 Process improvement tools
IV.A.4 Innovation and creativity tools
IV.A.5 Cost of quality (COQ)
IV.B Process Management
IV.B.1 Process goals
IV.B.2 Process analysis
IV.B.3 Lean tools
IV.B.4 Theory of constraints (TOC)
IV.C Measurement: Assessment and Metrics
IV.C.1 Basic statistical use
IV.C.2 Sampling
IV.C.3 Statistical analysis
IV.C.4 Measurement systems analysis
IV.C.5 Trend and pattern analysis
IV.C.6 Process variation
IV.C.7 Process capability
IV.C.8 Reliability terminology
IV.C.9 Qualitative assessment
V Customer-Focused Organizations
V.A Customer Identification and Segmentation
V.A.1 Internal customers
V.A.2 External customers
V.A.3 Customer Segmentation
V.A.4 Qualitative Assessment
V.B Customer Relationship Management
V.B.1 Customer needs
V.B.2 Customer satisfaction and loyalty
V.B.3 Customer service principles
V.B.4 Multiple and diverse customer management
VI Supply Chain Management
VI.A Supplier Selection
VI.B Supplier Communications
VI.C Supplier Performance
VI.D Supplier Improvement
VI.E Supplier Certification, Partnerships, and Alliances
VI.F Supplier Logistics and Material Acceptance
VII Training and Development
VII.A Training Plans
VII.B Training Needs Analysis
VII.C Training Materials/Curriculum Development and Delivery
VII.D Training Effectiveness and Evaluation
